Monday, June 02, 2008

I'm Behind Again!

The days pass quickly when you are busy at work, and then busy at home. My 11 month old granddaughter has been sleeping in the room with my computer, so posting is difficult when she's here. Her mom and dad have been on a much needed and deserved vacation, so I've had the little one since last Tuesday. I can't possibly tell you how much fun she is, but she is a lot of work, and now that she's gone home, it's awfully quiet around here.

Maybe I can get back to posting on a regular basis. I know you have missed me, and I even got one email asking if I'm ok. Yes, I'm ok, thank you IzzyBeth for asking. I plan to get back to regular posting.

I'm also attempting to start a new diet. Pray that I can stay on it and lose at least half of me. I think many of my 'medical complaints' would magically disappear if I'd lose some weight and get back on some sort of exercise program. Last year, I participated in an exercise program at work. Some of the students needed guinea pigs for part of their grade. We worked with an exercise student who put us through our paces, three times a week. I didn't lose a lot of weight, but I felt so much better than I did and do now. I hate it when the experts are right about feeling better with exercise. I'm by nature a couch potato and love to do nothing. That has to stop! I've got to start moving or I won't be around to post any more.

Do you exercise? If not, why not? I need to know.

Hope you have had a great Monday. I hope you did something silly. I hope you made someone smile.


Lisa said...

Oh I understand about being happy but busy when you have a little one around. I have my grandbaby again while her momma moves into their new home!!Yippee they are finally close so we can enjoy the grandbabies!!!!
I have never been a couch potato for I have worked two and three jobs for years. But the weight just keeps coming on and on. So depressing. But now that I spend so much time on the computer I am not up and moving like I used to. We have a huge yard, but I don't have a lawn mower that I can use. I asked my husband to get us a new one, so far, nothing. I don't have my horses here, so I don't get out with them, my cousin works so much, so we don't get out and walk....good grief. This is not what I wanted in my retirement years. I don't want to go back to work, but I don't want to keep getting fatter and fatter. My health is not near as good as it once was either. So I must come up with a game plan and DO IT. So far, I just don't seem to have time to do the things I want to do. I WANT TO GET BORED JUST FOR A WEEK!!!

IzzyBeth said...

I try and exercise - but haven't been doing the best job of it this week!

Anonymous said...

I don't exercise because I'm lazy. I'm not lazy if I'm doing something that brings about a result-like working in the garden or cleaning house. But when it comes to an exercise regimen I'm lazy.

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