Tuesday, June 03, 2008


What do you think of when you hear the word commitment? I usually think of the plan my daughters have for me soon. Daughter#1 talks about my commitment quite often. Usually, it 's when I do something stupid-which is pretty regularly.

I mentioned that I have started a new diet and along with that comes commitment. And I have to ask myself just how committed am I to this new adventure. I do pretty good in theory, but in practice is where I fall down. I think about all those good nutritious meals I'm going to make for myself, then at the last minute, throw something together that although may be healthy, doesn't satisfy my palate.

Last night as I was eating my fairly tasteless meal, I got to thinking about some of the other commitments I've made in my life and how that's working for me. I made a commitment to be a Christian that hasn't been that easy at times to keep on keeping on. It has gotten easier as I've gotten older, but I wonder if that's because there just aren't the same temptations to an old lady as there were to a young woman.

I made a commitment to two marriages that have also failed. I won't go into details of those here, but thought I was giving both all I had at the time.

I made a commitment to three children when I brought them into the world, and certainly had failings in that. Fortunately, they all survived, and seem pretty well adjusted.

I made a commitment to get my education at 40, and accomplished that, and have worked for the last 14 years in that field.

Then there have been too many lesser commitments to even mention. Sewing projects that have fallen by the wayside. Diets that have come and gone. Exercise programs that started and finished in the same day.

So, am I a non-commital type of person? Why am I this way? Why do I not finish so many of the things I start?

What about you? Do you make commitments that you don't take to the finish line?

Have a great Tuesday. Do something silly. Make someone smile.


IzzyBeth said...

My two cents on the 'diet front.' If you call it a diet, it isn't a commitment. I really believe that the only way to COMMIT to losing weight and being healthy is by changing your lifestyle. Forever. So if you are on a DIET, it isn't going to be something you can or would even want to stick with. If your meal is "tasteless" already - then you won't stick with it.

That is why I've done so well on WW. I can eat foods that I like - and it is TEACHING me to have better eating habits, so it is changing the way I view myself and food. I truly believe that until we are willing to change our thoughts and habits about food, then we cannot truly commit and make a change. (Believe me, before this - I had tried every diet in the book.)

Marge said...

I really think that the thing that crashes every single commitment we make is our perfectionism. If we vow to diet, and we fall off the wagon one time, we say "Oh I blew is so I might as well quit." Or if we vow to exercise every day and one day it's storming out, we just give up because our program isn't going to be perfect. Same with cleaning house. If we don't have the time to do it perfectly, we just don't do it at all. Perfectionism is the devil every single time. We don't allow ourselves to make a mistake or to take a break and recover the next day. So commitments have to be made with the idea that it is not going to be a perfect commitment, but a commitment to do the best we can on any given day.

Best wishes on your commitment to diet, but know that you won't do it perfectly!


Tara Smith said...

I made a commitment to let my boss live even though he is the most vile human being around.

He's still alive, so I've done well. Tomorrow may be another story.

Mary Despain said...

You go little sister! I came close to offing 3 people while I was out for lunch. Good thing I work for an attorney, huh?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!
The diet thing, oh yeah. Me, too!
The older I get the harder it gets. It's hard to go from being able to eat anything anytime and not gaining. To watching what I eat. Working full time and a family makes it hard to plan meals.

Lisa said...

Isn't life an interesting journey? Isn't it funny how we perceive things? Hey, come to Tulsa and let's get together. SOON. =)

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