Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday Morningitis

I have a severe case of Monday Morningitis. Don't know what that is? It is an extreme desire to stay home and stay in bed. You've had it. Maybe on Monday, maybe yours was a case of Tuesday Morningitis or even Friday Morningitis. We all have this ailment on occasion.

And I could give you a million reasons why I have it this morning, but I'm blaming it primarily on the time change. I usually wake up about 5:00AM and lie in bed like a lazy person until the alarm goes off about 5:10. But my body hasn't changed just because I ran all 12 clocks and watches up one hour. There's no button or knob for your internal clock. So as I write this it's actually about 4:30AM--according to my body clock that is.

We had a busy day yesterday. I didn't get my Sunday afternoon nap. We had pot luck at church, then the two granddaughter sisters took their nap at my house, then we went back to church last night. The service was a bit longer than usual, which was fine, but then we took the granddaughter sisters to get a bite to eat, and then the 25 minute drive home.

I was bushed when I finally went to bed, but that didn't keep the alarm from going off this morning. This is one of those days I'd like to have used a baseball bat on it. But it's time to get myself into the shower, hope there's something clean I can wear today(see how unorganzed I am) and take myself off to the office and try to stay awake. I sure hope there are no early morning meetings. I don't do caffeine any more, and that's usually what is served, so I'm up a creek without a paddle.


IzzyBeth said...

I agree. The time change just doesn't transfer to my body clock. I wanted to stay in bed this morning too!!

Anonymous said...

I had a hard time getting up, but I do like that it's lighter later in the evenings!

Mondays are usually my get everything done day. I'm a tad bit slow on that today...

Lisa said...

I am not a morning person anyways, any time. But since having the puppies and they are morning critters and since I love them soooo much, I have to get up in the mornings, Monday or not. Ha! But there is a lot to be left desired on a morning, Monday or not when we go through that stupid time change. And it keeps getting earlier in the year to change and later in the year to change back. Why bother at all? Do it and leave it! (kind of cranky this a.m. aren't I?) =)

OHmommy said...

Oh... so that is what it's called....

Monday Morningitis

LOL. Thanks!

Amy said...

i think the time change has everyone in a tither. hope tuesday is better for you! =)

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