Saturday, March 22, 2008

What are you cooking for Easter?

LATE BREAKING NEWS FLASH-- In case you are just joining us, or are checking back, I'm making Chickens in the Road's grandmother bread. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Do you have your family in on Easter Sunday? Do you have Easter Brunch, or Easter Lunch? If so, do you make all the food or do you get to carry a dish somewhere else?

For some reason, we always seem to have ham and deviled eggs as part of our lunch. We have other dishes with that, but those seem to be the main stays.

This year, our family is scattered. My son and his family were here last week, so they won't be back. My daughter #2 and her family are going to her MIL's for lunch, and my 10 year old grandson is going to Mississippi. My oldest grandson is working.

That leaves daughter #2 and myself. We are trying to decide whether to just go out and eat or what. I'm leaning twoard a crockpot of dressing, deviled eggs, and carrot cake. I'm sure there'll also be some rolls and maybe a salad of some kind.

But it will be lonely since there will be no sounds of squealing children wanting to hurry and eat so they can hunt eggs.

Tell me about your traditions. Remember, I have that inquiring mind thing going on.

Trivia question: What celectial body determines what Sunday Easter falls on?

Note to my #1 daughter--It's not John Wayne!


Lisa said...

Well after yesterdays blog John Wayne was going to be my first guess too. But I think it is something called the Equinox. Did I get that one right for I don't get any of the other questions you ask correct!!!!
I love Easter time. so many memories with it. Yes we always had to hide eggs for the kids, have ham and deviled eggs as well. But the tradition I remember most was every year the kids got a kite and string in their Easter Basket. The basket would be sitting on the kitchen table all decorated up. Of course they colored the eggs the night before. Having to drive an hour and half to see familiy we were always on the road for the holidays. I am so glad to be "home" now after 30 years of being gone. Have a Blessed Easter and I hope everyone will remember our military, my nephew is in Iraq now.

IzzyBeth said...

We always used to have big family dinners on Easter - but since we have moved, it is usually just us on Easter, and that is OK. We are having Pork Loin, red potatoes, deviled eggs (slightly dyed, I'm sure), and pea salad.

And I have to tell you - I laughed with the way you wrote that your 2nd son was here last year and "won't be back" - it made it sound like you scared him off or something!!

Have a very happy Easter!

Mary Despain said...

Sure it is. Everything in your world revolves aroud the Duke. You love him more than your own children. I talk to my shrink about this all the time. Have you been getting his bills? I'm having them sent to you.

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