Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Long Drawn Out Friday

It's been another of those long days when it seems the end of the day will never come. The day started off busy enough, but has slowed to a crawl this afternoon. But why wouldn't it. It's Friday and that's what Friday's do.

We played cards last night. I missed winning by that much. Actually it was just about 25 or 30 points, but a near miss is as good as a mile.

My friend called a few minutes ago. They are on their way to the lake. The won't be home until Monday. They are going to rest. They've been going to watch their oldest grandchild play ball. He's been in a tournament all week and they've been to all the games.

My grandson(Superhero)has been going to vbs this week. I took him Monday and Tuesday night, then his other grandmother took him Wednesday and Thursday nights and I'm taking him again tonight. He'll spend the night with me and I think we are going to try to wash my vehicle in the morning. It won't be too hot early, and since we'll be working with water, maybe it won't get too hot.

I work for a university, and we got a post on the campus website this afternoon that we have two confirmed and 6 suspected cases of swine flu here on campus. The cases are among the student population of which I have very little contact. So hopefully, that virus won't waft it's way into our building over the next several days. Personally, I think they should close and disinfect the entire campus. Ten days should just about do it. The sick and almost sick are being isolated, so maybe they won't affect the rest of us.

A friend sent me this quote this morning, 'If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.'

Hope you are having a great Friday. Pray diligently for our country. Love one another.


Lena . . . said...

I LOVE your quote about the world sucking. Really gave me a chuckle. I've worked on a college campus also. Many is the time I be collecting papers from students who would sneeze on them and then proceed to hand them to me. I felt like they should be sprayed with Lysol!! I eventually built up an immunity to just about everything - but swine flu is a different animal. Hopefully you'll stay well. Lovely Daughter has a close friend who is a microbiologist and works for the University of Minnesota doing research. His best advice is to drink Airborne twice daily and wash your hands a lot. Think I'll start laying in a supply soon.

Twisted Fencepost said...

I agree! They should shut down the University, disinfect AND give you paid time off. After all, it's not your fault you can't work.
We have got to get this thing under control somehow.
Have fun playing in the water!

Tipper said...

Hope you miss the flue-YIKES! Love the quote you shared too-I'm going to be telling that to my girls the next time they're complaining.

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