We soon had the first sheet ready for the oven. We ended up using a glass to press them, and they became more uniform. The thing Princess#1 liked about this was licking the sugar mixture off her hands. She had to stop and go wash again.
We had a little trouble with the concept of spacing them out so they wouldn't touch.
Then we have a pan of the finished product.
They had a good time making the cookies, which by the way, Princess#2 won't eat. Not any kind of cookie touches her lips. I'm not sure she is really my grandchild since eating cookies is one of my absolute favorite things to do.
Princess #2 peering into the oven to see if the last batch is ready to come out. Notice she is standing back and not touching the oven. We are a very safe bunch. Then, of course, they had to be put on a wire rack to cool. They were already cool by this time, but that's the next step, so we had to follow through. No short cuts on this job, except the store bought cookie dough.
We decided not to show any pictures of us eating the cookies. Mainly because we had both hands full of cookies and milk, and Princess#2 isn't a great photographer like her mom yet. So you will just have to imagine that part. They were good, and we are having(I am having) some for breakfast. Princess#2 has requested her favorite breakfast food--scrambles eggs, which she calls eggies, and Princess #1 is having cocoa puffs.
So my afternoon and evening went like this. Off work at 5:00, made the 5 minute trip to daycare. Went to building 4 and picked up Princess #1, over to building 3 and picked up Princess #2. Drove to Burger King and ate a nourshing dinner, well I ate mine, they mostly played. We then went to the grocery store, then the 25 minute drive home. Once here, we worked on the cookies, which didn't take that long, but boy was I one tired little old grandmother--just joking about the little part, mainly old.
After the cookie baking, the girls got in the tub, and I sat down to watch the Cardinals. They got out of the tub and P#2 managed to stay up til 9:00 and P#1 made it til about 9:30. After the game was over, I took a shower and slept on the foot of the bed until about 3:30. The girls had pretty much settled over on one side of the bed, and I moved up to the other. They have just gotten up, and are already ordering me around. Do they think this little old grandmother is their slave. Well, I guess, she really is.
Once I think Superhero is up, I'm going ot call over there and see if he wants to come play for a while.
How many children will be under your feet today? Hopefully, there will be at least three, and maybe four. I can't wait. Gotta go cook some eggies.
Have yourself a great Saturday. Do something silly. Make someone laugh.
Thanks for sharing that Shirley. Last summer when I visited my Granddaughter we made pink cupcakes with pink icing (she's quite fond of pink) and we had so much fun! The girls are so cute. (a child that doesn't eat cookies?) Fresh from the oven and milk, my goodness, I don't know how she could resist! Have a great time with those little ones! And a good and restful Sunday.
AWWW those are the cookies I always made with my Grandma!!
You are just great! You are making memories that will last those 2 little princesses a lifetime.
Shirley, you asked how many were underfoot today.....well, most of them weren't underfoot, but I saw all 15 of my grandkids today! All my grandkids were able to attend their great grandmother's funeral. It was so good to have them all there. We had a beautiful service for my mom, and I will blog some of it soon. Meanwhile, I have a lot of catching up to do!
Oh you are so blessed to have those darling girls in your kitchen. What a great way to stay young huh? Hope the cookies for breakfast were as good as they were for bed time snack!
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