Thursday, March 18, 2010

Here's My Excuse!

Yes, this is the reason I was unable to work on my sewing project Tuesday night. This is the Banty Hen and she keeps me hopping when she's at the house.
I wouldn't have it any other way. I did work on the project last night. I'm about ready to attach the flounce to the top part of the bodice.
The one problem I have is that I don't like the buttons I bought to go on it. I thought they'd be perfect, but I don't like them at all, so I'm going to have to fall back and regroup. I think when I get it ready for buttons, I'm going to take it to the fabric store and pick them out. I just had a scrap of material when I picked the ones I have.

Tonight I have to keep the grandchildren while parents go to teacher conferences. It'll be about 8ish before I get home. I brought the project with me to do some of the hand work. Whether I'll get anything done or not remains to be seen.

And I have a confession to make. I didn't watch 'The Quiet Man' last night. When I got home the Celtic Ladies were singing on PBS so I watched(listened)to them. The music was grand.

I hope you are having a great day today. Pray for me tonight as I try to keep up with four, seven and younger. Love one another.


Sinful Southern Sweets said...

What a cutie! I bet you'll have a ball tonight!

Twisted Fencepost said...

I'm a little late to say the prayer, but I hope you had a great time with the little ones.

Mental P Mama said...

I hope you had fun!! She is adorable!!

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