Thursday, March 04, 2010

Calling All Parrotheads!!!

Are you a Parrothead? Do you know what that is? If not, you don't know what you are missing. I am a huge Jimmy Buffet fan, but alas, I've never been to one of his concerts. And what's more, doesn't look like I'm going any time soon.

My chiropracter knows I'm a big Buffet fan. I went in the other day and he said,'Guess what I've got?' I didn't have a clue. He said he had Jimmy Buffet tickets for Nashville. I didn't know he was going to be in Nashville, but with a lovely price tag of 130 + handling, etc. these little jewels come to a whopping 157 dollars.

Slightly out of my price range. Then a consultant with our school, who is also a big Buffet fan says he has some extra tickets and I can get one from him for Indiana, but to have fun with this group, I'd have to come to Chicago to ride the bus with the rest of their group. Something tells me they are seriously going to be at the pre show. That would be like traveling around the world for me.

He's also going to be in St. Louis. Now I could drive up and spend the night and come back the next day, but again, tickets are out of this world. So, it basically looks like I'll just have to keep playing those cd's while driving down the road, and singing those songs I know by heart. And keep thinking that one of these days, I'm going to win the lottery and then I can get my own bus(along with a good looking driver)and make my way to all the concerts I want.

What is your favorite Jimmy Buffet song?

Hope you are having a good day. Pray for Parrotheads everywhere. Love one another.


julia said...

Cheeseburger in Paradise!

Sinful Southern Sweets said...

Pirate looks at 40....gotta love Jimmy!

Twisted Fencepost said...

I don't think I could list a favorite!
Good luck on winning the lottery! I hope you do!!!

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