Monday, February 01, 2010

Diamonds in the Daylight!

If you live any where in North America, you know that the mid-south was hit with a monster trouble making weather system. It extended from Saline, KS down to San Antonio, TX and all points east.
In NE Arknasas, we started out with sleet(this I know for I was out in it), changed to freezing rain, then back to sleet and about 5am Friday morning, it began to snow and it snowed all day Saturday.
The campus where I work closed Friday, and after I got inside my house Thursday night, I didn't even stick so much as my nose out until this morning. I did, however manage to open a door and take the picture on the left side of the page. If you look at the uppermost part of the picture, you can see how the sun was making the ice on the limbs sparkle. From my vantage point(not that you can see it that well in my photo), it looked like there were huge diamonds hanging all over the tree. It was nothing short of beautiful.
But it's back to work today. Got to catching up to do since we missed Friday.
Hope you are able to get out and about today. Pray for our country. Love one another.


Flea said...

What fun! I loved every minute of it. You don't happen to work for UofP, do you? If so, then you might know my Hunny.

Jennifer Warthan said...

We've enjoyed every moment of this snow! Expecting more on Friday... maybe. You never know when the weather is gonna change around here!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Same here! Wet, frozen, snowy, name it. Got more coming this weekend.

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