It scared the bejesus out of him, and frightened his 7 year old son 'Superhero' shown here.
Friday night when the cloud came up and it began to thunder, he gathered all the kids inside. His new motto is 'If you can hear it thunder, it's time to take cover.'
If only it had trimmed that thing on his chin.
I spoke with him today, and he said his hand was a little sore and looked like it was trying to get infected. It's in such a hard place to keep covered since he works out in the heat all day and gets sweaty and dirty. I'm just so thankful that he wasn't hurt any worse than he was, and hope there's no residual damage anywhere in his body.
Our birthday supper for my sister-in-law was a great success, even if she did make her own cake/cakes. She made a chocolate and pineapple cake. We had more fish than we could possibly eat. My hushpuppies turned out very well if I do say so myself, my nephew made slaw that was wonderful, and we had pickles, onions, tarter sauce, green tomato pickles. It was all so very good. I think everyone had a good time. We had 20 in attendance. The contractor did the cooking, and we did the eating. He also catches the fish we eat. He and his friend have nets in the river.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are happy to be back to doing what you do on Mondays. Pray for rain. We need it badly. Love one another.
oh my wow!!!!!!!!! his electric personality has come shining on through... thank God he was not hurt worse ...
He was sure lucky it wasn't worse than it was. And I hope it doesn't get infected. Make him keep a close eye on it.
Glad you fish fry was a success. Now, I'd like to have that recipe!!!
Oh goodness,that is terrible for your son. Watch him closely I hear that later on he can start having a few personality issues, health issues etc. I had a friend that was struck by lightning and it was a terrible ordeal. Bad headaches later on, just different things. Be sure and keep a close eye on him. I hope and pray all is well. A fish fry sounds really good right now...I am hungry!
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