Wednesday, May 25, 2011

More Lovely Weather

What's up with this weather? Today, we here in Arkansas, specifically NE Arkansas, are under a Severe Weather Alert. We are expecting super cells with tornados embedded in them. We are all watching the sky and the radar to see what happens. Hopefully nothing, however we are all prepared. Some area schools have already let out and are taking the children home. Word is that the storms will develop from 3:00p.m. on, and the schools don't want to have busloads of students on the roads during this time.

My oldest daughter picked up her son and they have headed to Mississippi where there is no severe alerts. My younger daughter and her family are heading to her in-laws where they have a storm cellar.

I'm not sure what my son and his family will do. They have a safe area in their house(that's not to say a bonifide safe room), but it should keep them as safe as anything could, except being underground.

Then there's me. I don't like storm cellars, and often tell the kids that I need to stay on top to tell the emergency people where to dig them out. I think my fear of being trapped and no one finding me is worse than taking chances with the storm. I'd much rather be at home, but after seeing the homes in Joplin, Mo, I'm not too sure home would be very safe. We have a computer room here that has 1 foot thick walls reinforced with re-bar, and the roof is the same. The only thing is they cut corners by putting in glass doors rather than the heavy ones they should have. Still, that's probably a safer place than my house. I just don't want to stay here until 10p.m. That's when the storm threat should be over.

Hopefully the storms won't develop and I can go home and watch the ballgame.

I hope you are having a great day. Love each other.


Marge said...

Please take cover if you need to! Someone else can tell the ER folks where to dig out the others! The weather lately has been so strange, hasn't it? Minneapolis had a deadly tornado on Sunday, and I've been hearing that the icky rain will continue all week with severe storms again on Memorial Day.

Stay safe!

Flea said...

We spent last evening hanging around near the stair closet, waiting for the sirens to be done and the radar to clear. Even the cat got into the waiting game. Booooring. I hear ya.

nunta formatii said...

Something happened on there? Or all the thing are great? The weather it is good now?

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