Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fresh Strawberries

As we speak, I'm sitting at my desk eating fresh strawberries. I went to Sam's Club yesterday, and they had 2lb boxes for $4.37. My grandson, Superhero, loves strawberries and he was spending the night with me last night so I bought a box. I have a brother who loves strawberries too. I always try to have some when he comes home to visit in May, which is prime strawberry time in our area.
We ate a few yesterday, just to sample them, you know, and he ate on them all the way home from church last night. Then he ate a few more after we got home. I brought what was left to work this morning, and have been eating them all morning.
The picture above shows strawberries from Louisiana, but what I'm enjoying are from California. They would be much better in a pie or with cake and cool whip, but they are awfully good plain. And there wasn't a bad berry in the bunch-not one.
The sun is shining here, and best of all, the wind has stopped blowing. And it's a brisk 50 degrees. These things help with my anxiety.
And LisaJ, thanks for eating that extra helping of chicken soup on my behalf. I sure think it helped.
Hope you are having a great Thursday. Pray for our country. Love one another.


Tammy Brierly said...

I'm so glad you finally had a good day to go out and enjoy. We have strawberries in Febuary? lol

Lisa said...

Not a problem on eating the soup for you and it was very good I might add. Every one laughs at me because I use store bought noodles. I love them, but if I have home made noodles I eat them raw, always have, always will, and I do NOT like them cooked! Weird huh? Our Thursday and Friday were both beautiful days, but today, Saturday is pretty cold. Not too bad but not near 70 like the other days have been. Spring is right around the corner....I hope!

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